Nordic journalists’ unions resign from International Federation

Nordic journalists’ unions resign from International Federation |

The Union of Journalists in Finland announced its withdrawal from the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) on Tuesday, following Denmark, Norway, and Iceland’s journalists’ unions. after the organisation failed to follow up on administrative problems.

In the Finnish Union’s press release, President Hanne Aho said the decision was made after repeated calls over the years for the International Federation of Journalists to change how it operates.

“The reason for the withdrawal is that the IFJ has not been able to resolve administrative problems that have persisted for more than ten years. We are dissatisfied with the organisation of congresses and elections and the lack of transparency in decision-making,” said Aho.

According to her, the IFJ has failed to deliver satisfactory information about its finances. ”The Nordic countries have been a major donor to the IFJ and yet our concerns have not been taken seriously,” claimed Aho.

The withdrawal of the Finnish Union (UFJ) from the IFJ will take effect in six months, on 31 July, ending the membership which started in 1956. UFJ will continue to be a member of the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) whose work according to Aho is more transparent.

In its statement, The Finnish Union said that ”other ways of organising international solidarity work” is already under consideration. “We are currently looking at possible models with other Nordic journalists’ unions. Nordic cooperation will continue to be robust,” said Hanne Aho on behalf of the Finnish Union.

(Pekka Vänttinen |


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