Biden Creates Federal Office of Gun Violence Prevention

The office will be led by Vice President Kamala Harris, who pursued gun safety measures when she was California’s top prosecutor.

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Biden Announces New Office for Gun Violence Prevention

The president has tapped Vice President Kamala Harris to lead his administration’s latest efforts against gun violence.

I’m proud to announce the creation of a first-ever White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention. The first office in our history. The office will have four primary responsibilities. First, to expedite the implementation of the bipartisan Safer Communities Act and the executive actions already announced. And I mean it. We’re going to fully implement them. Second, coordinate more support for survivors, families and communities affected by gun violence, including mental health care, financial assistance the same way FEMA responds to natural disasters. Third, identify new executive actions we can take within our legal authority to reduce gun violence. And fourth, expand our coalition of partners in states and cities across America. Look, folks, there comes a point where our voices are so loud, our determination is so clear that our effort can no longer be stopped. We’re reaching that point. We’ve reached that point today, in my view, where the safety of our kids from gun violence is on the ballot.

Biden Creates Federal Office of Gun Violence Prevention |

The president has tapped Vice President Kamala Harris to lead his administration’s latest efforts against gun violence.Credit

President Biden on Friday announced a new office dedicated to gun violence prevention, his latest effort to combat a growing national crisis through executive action instead of the more sweeping reforms that would require congressional approval.

The office will be led by Vice President Kamala Harris, who pursued gun safety measures when she was California’s top prosecutor. Its focus will be on helping the administration coordinate gun policy and pressing congressional leaders to act on the issue.

“We all want our kids to have the freedom to learn how to read and write instead of duck and cover, for God’s sake,” Mr. Biden said during remarks in the Rose Garden, where survivors of school shootings were among the hundreds of attendees.

The announcement comes as Mr. Biden, who is running for re-election, tries to re-energize the record number of young voters who turned out in the 2020 election, many of whom say they are motivated by the horrors of gun violence in America.

“We’ve reached that point today, in my view, where the safety of our kids from gun violence is on the ballot,” Mr. Biden said.

Mr. Biden was introduced by Representative Maxwell Alejandro Frost, Democrat of Florida and the first Gen Z member of Congress. He previously was an organizer of the youth advocacy group March for Our Lives, which was started by students who survived the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School massacre in Parkland, Fla.

“As the youngest member of the United States Congress and the first member of Gen Z, I’m often asked what got me involved in this work,” said Mr. Frost, who was 15 when a gunman killed 20 first graders and six educators at Sandy Hook Elementary School. “And the answer is quite simple. I didn’t want to get shot in school.”

The American political system has been deadlocked for more than a decade on major changes to gun laws, despite a steady drumbeat of horrifying shootings. Gun violence has become the leading cause of death among young children.

Even with majorities in both houses of Congress during Mr. Biden’s first two years in office, Democrats were unable to pass an assault weapons ban, and any effort now is almost certain to fail in the Republican-controlled House.

Ms. Harris, who is taking on a higher profile as the presidential campaign gets underway, has been traveling the country to meet young people on college campuses, where she asks students to raise their hands if they have ever participated in an active-shooter drill in elementary or middle school.

“Every time — every time — a sea of hands goes up because in today’s world, on the first day of school, students learn the name of their teacher, yes, they learn the location of their cubby, and they learn how to quietly hide from an active shooter,” Ms. Harris said in the Rose Garden on Friday.


Biden Creates Federal Office of Gun Violence Prevention |

Survivors of school shootings and those who had lost loved ones to gun violence were among the hundreds of attendees at the Rose Garden event.Credit…Kent Nishimura for The New York Times

Ms. Harris, who has been tasked throughout her tenure with tackling some of the country’s most intractable domestic problems, said the new office would “use the full power of the federal government” to strengthen advocacy for gun violence prevention.

She then illustrated the urgency of its mission: One in five people have lost a family member to gun violence, about 120 people are killed by a gun every day, and Black Americans are 10 times more likely than white Americans to be victims of gun violence and homicides. Latino Americans are twice as likely.

According to the Gun Violence Archive, which tracks such incidents, there have been more than 31,000 gun violence deaths so far this year.

“We cannot normalize any of this,” she said. “These are not simply statistics. These are our children, our brothers and sisters, our mothers and fathers.”

David Hogg, a survivor of the Parkland school shooting and one of the founders of March for Our Lives, said the new office was a powerful recognition of the young people who got Mr. Biden elected — and who understood his limitations.

“It’s frustrating — I want more to happen,” said Mr. Hogg, who recently started Leaders We Deserve, a political action committee to back young candidates. “But I also know there’s a complex network of things that are stopping us from making more progress. But President Biden is with us, and that’s the message he’s sending today.”

Dr. Chethan Sathya, the director of the Center for Gun Violence Prevention at Northwell Health, a health care network, said the office would help people see gun violence as a public health issue. As a pediatric surgeon at Cohen Children’s Medical Center, he regularly sees children suffering from gunshot wounds. From 2021 to 2022, the hospital saw a 350 percent increase in the number of kids coming in with gun injuries, he said.

“Unfortunately, as one can imagine, treating kids who come in with bullet wounds — seeing their little bodies torn apart — which happens week after week, it’s really horrific,” he said.

“We treat kids from families who are on both sides of the political spectrum,” he added. “I have yet to meet an American family who does not want zero mass shootings, no gun violence and better firearm safety.”

A correction was made on Sept. 22, 2023: 

An earlier version of this article misstated the overall number of gun violence deaths in 2022 as tallied by the Gun Violence Archive. There were 44,384, not 20,200, and gun violence deaths so far this year are below that number, not above it.

How we handle corrections

Erica L. Green is a correspondent in Washington covering domestic policy. More about Erica L. Green

A version of this article appears in print on  , Section A, Page 16 of the New York edition with the headline: Biden Forms A New Office To Address Gun Violence. Order Reprints | Today’s Paper | Subscribe

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