Activists: Portugal’s public transport fares must be adapted to remote work

Activists: Portugal’s public transport fares must be adapted to remote work |

Public transport in Portugal must adapt to the trend of remote work and offer easier, cheaper and more flexible fares alternatives, according to the Portuguese environmental association Zero, which has proposed a set of measures.

Zero is proposing the public transportation system adopt six measures to “strengthen the attractiveness of the pass system for employers and individual citizens, adapting it to the contemporary needs of users”.

At a time when European Mobility Week is taking place, Zero is proposing a hybrid fare for work with the implementation of a fare/pass that includes five, 10 or 15 days of use to choose from during the month, with prices varying according to the number of days.

In its press release, the association also suggests a system to cap travel costs, ensuring that passengers do not pay more than a certain amount for their journeys.

“This system would allow occasional users of public transport to pay no more than a certain amount, which could be daily, weekly or monthly, allowing them to use all public transport during these periods,” explains the association.

The environmentalists also propose that using public transport outside of rush hour should reward passengers with a discount on the following month’s pass.

Zero also proposes a ‘pass + car parking’ scheme that could be used in any car park around the cities, as well as the creation of a single monthly pass allowing general access to public transport available throughout the country.

Finally, the association suggests the “creation of collaborative partnerships between transport authorities and co-working spaces, which would include the possibility of establishing a type of pass to be purchased by employers to distribute among workers, combining public transport with access to a co-working centre close to their home on a certain number of days”.

(Dina Dias |, edited by Nuno Simas)

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Activists: Portugal’s public transport fares must be adapted to remote work |

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