Vučić: No solutions if other side doesn’t look for them

Vučić: No solutions if other side doesn’t look for them |

It is difficult to find a solution in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina when talking to people who do not want to look for a solution said President Aleksandar Vučić.

“We could have sat for 10 hours. It is difficult to find a solution when you talk to people from Pristina who are looking for reasons for attacks on the Serbian population in the north of Kosovo and Metohija. We also have some other indicators. I am not saying these things by chance,” Vučić said.

Vučić also met on Thursday with the Ukrainian Ambassador Volodymyr Tolcak. The meeting came a day after Serbia sent Ukraine 14 new trucks full of humanitarian aid.

“An honest and open conversation with Ambassador Tolchak about bilateral cooperation, improving the overall relations between our countries, regional and world issues, as well as the situation in Ukraine. I once again reiterated Serbia’s position regarding the inviolability of borders and respect for the UN Charter, stressing that we respect the territorial integrity of Ukraine and will continue to do so in the future”, Vučić said after the meeting.

( | Bojana Zimonjić Jelisavac)

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Vučić: No solutions if other side doesn’t look for them |

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