UK condemns sentencing of British-Russian opposition activist

UK condemns sentencing of British-Russian opposition activist |

The UK will continue to support Vladimir Kara-Murza, the British-Russian journalist who denounced Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and is serving a 25-year prison sentence for treason, and calls for his immediate release, said UK Foreign Secretary James Cleverly on Monday.

The UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office has summoned the Russian Ambassador to the UK Andrey Kelin, following the politically-motivated conviction and sentencing of British dual-national Vladimir Kara-Murza in a Moscow court on Monday.

“Russia’s lack of commitment to protecting fundamental human rights, including freedom of expression, is alarming. We continue to urge Russia to adhere to its international obligations, including Vladimir Kara-Murza’s entitlement to proper healthcare,” said Cleverly.

The UK has already sanctioned the judge that presided over the trial for his previous involvement in human rights violations and is considering further measures for holding to account those involved in Kara-Murza’s imprisonment and mistreatment, according to a press release from the UK Foreign Affairs Office.

Kara-Murza was found guilty of treason for spreading “false” information about the Russian army and for being affiliated with an “undesirable organisation,” according to an AFP journalist in the Moscow court as the decision was pronounced. The journalist previously fell prey to two attempts at poisoning him.

The EU also condemned Russia’s sentencing of Kara-Murza to 25 years in jail on “politically motivated charges.”

“Today’s outrageously harsh court decision clearly demonstrates yet again the political misuse of judiciary in order to pressure activists, human rights defenders and any voices opposing Russia’s illegitimate war of aggression against Ukraine,” the EU’s foreign affairs chief Josep Borrell has said.

“I pay tribute to Mr Kara-Murza and his family, including his wife Evgenia and her unwavering commitment to raising her husband’s cause on the international stage. The UK will continue to support them and to call for Mr Kara-Murza’s immediate release,” said Cleverly.

(Sofia Stuart Leeson |


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