Tweets of the week: Metsola&Macron, Berlusconi and the Sheriff

Tweets of the week: Metsola&Macron, Berlusconi and the Sheriff |


This week Maltese MEP Roberta Metsola had a long-expected, but pretty impressive birthday present as she was elected President of the European Parliament until 2024

Roberta Metsola (EPP, Malta) has been elected by MEPs as President of the European Parliament until 2024 ↓

— European Parliament (@Europarl_EN) January 18, 2022

Macron presented the programme of France’s six-month EU Council presidency in Strasbourg, but it quickly turned into a sparring match with the French opposition, reported Mathieu Pollet

#PFUE2022 ?? ?? | President @EmmanuelMacron presented the programme of France’s six-month EU Council presidency before very agitated MEPs in #Strasbourg, but it quickly turned into a sparring match with the French opposition, reports @MathieuPollet_.

— EURACTIV (@EURACTIV) January 19, 2022


And journalists then walked out of the Macron – Metsola press conference which will take no questions from the media.

EU journalists walking out of a Macron – Metsola press conference which will take no questions from the media

— Mehreen (@MehreenKhn) January 19, 2022


Talking about the need to strengthen democracy in the Union for about two hours to then refuse to answer questions from journalists. Brilliant! said a very sarcastic Beatriz Rios.

Talking about the need to strengthen democracy in the Union for about two hours to then refuse to answer questions from journalists. Brilliant.

— Beatriz Ríos (@BeaRios_) January 19, 2022


Perhaps we need a re-cap on what a press conference actually means!


Elsewhere, like many of us, DG Meme is not ready for a fourth wave of #Berlusconi.

I am not ready for the fourth wave of #Berlusconi.#quirinale #romanzoquirinale

— DG MEME ?? (@meme_ec) January 14, 2022


Italy’s Bunga Bunga leader returns once again, throwing his hat in the ring for the country’s Presidency resulting in a LOT of raised eyebrows around Europe.


But if Boris Johnson is kicked out of Number 10, Berlusconi in the Quirinale is needed to restore the world’s clown karma balance, joked Leonardo Carella.

Johnson out of Number 10 and Berlusconi in the Quirinale to restore the world’s clown karma balance.

— Leonardo Carella (@leonardocarella) January 14, 2022


That said a surprising number of people lined up to support Berlusconi. Including League Party leader Matteo Salvini.

#ICYMI – ?? League Party leader Matteo Salvini said the right-wing supports @berlusconi in the race for the country’s presidency. @EleonoraVasques reports.

— EURACTIV (@EURACTIV) January 16, 2022


And Manfred Weber…

Michiel van Hulten thinks Weber might need a reminder of  Berlusconi’s history of run-ins with and political escapes from the law. 

So @ManfredWeber has endorsed Berlusconi as the next President of Italy. Here's the opening paragrah of the Wikipedia page covering Berlusconi's history of run-ins with (and political escapes from) the law. (Source:

— Michiel van Hulten (@mvanhulten) January 17, 2022


EU Voting ERROR Ends Up Appointing Silvio Berlusconi President Of The European Parliament, snarked Le Chou.

EU Voting ERROR Ends Up Appointing Silvio Berlusconi President Of The European Parliament

— Le Chou (@LeChouNews) January 18, 2022

Finally this week. Commissioner Thierry Breton fancies himself the tamer of the digital “Wild West”, proclaiming a new sheriff is in town — and it goes by the name DSA.

It’s time to put some order in the digital “Wild West”.

A new sheriff is in town — and it goes by the name #DSA.

— Thierry Breton (@ThierryBreton) January 19, 2022


I’ve been waiting 13 years for the Commission to produce something like this, enthused Laura Shields.

I’ve been waiting 13 years for the Commission to produce something like this.


— Laura Shields (@mediawhizz) January 19, 2022


Terence Zakka thinks it is a case of the Good, the Bad and the Ugly. 

Le Bon, la Brute et le #DSA.

— Terence Zakka (@Mr_Zakka) January 19, 2022


Adam Collingwood thought stealing Sergio Leone’s intellectual property wasn’t quite the way to go about fighting illegal stuff online.

EU stars fight against illegal stuff online by stealing Sergio Leone's intellectual property. Good show, chaps.

— Collingwood ?? (@admcollingwood) January 19, 2022




But Thomas Jorgensen pointed out that Clint Eastwood is the criminal, not the sheriff in that movie…  and suggests the classic Wyatt Earp instead.

Clint Eastwood is not a sheriff in that movie… Actually, his a criminal. Why not get your references right and go for the classic Wyatt Earp

— Thomas Jørgensen (@Thomas_E_Jorgen) January 20, 2022




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