Serbia’s green opposition formation collapses

Serbia’s green opposition formation collapses |

All members of Ecological Uprising are withdrawing from Together, a political alliance the party formed with Together for Serbia last year, Aleksandar Jovanović Ćuta, who announced his resignation as co-president, told Serbian media.

This announcement comes after the party’s other co-leader, Nebojša Zelenović allied himself with Zdravko Ponoš’s SRCE party, the Democratic Party and the Romanian Party with notice, Jovanović said, citing the “hijacking” of the movement’s Facebook page as one of the factors in his decision.

“The environmental uprising was born on the ground. It is made up of thousands of people who stood up to defend their rivers, their fields and their nature. These are people who are not political calculators but enthusiasts and activists. That movement has been real for years and based on trust,” Jovanović stated.

He accused Zelenović and MP Đorđe Miketić of hijacking the Ecological Uprising’s Facebook page, which has almost 75,000 followers.

“Unfortunately, they consider it normal to use other people’s intellectual property. Ecological Uprising – the name, trademark and logo are the property of Ecological Uprising according to the decision of the Intellectual Property Office,” said Jovanović.

“We have repeatedly asked to get our page back and to allow us to speak and post on our page, but so far, this has not been the case. Because of all this, I am resigning from all positions in the Zajedno party because I am, first and foremost, an activist, and I don’t function that way. All members of the Ecological Uprising are leaving the Zajedno party”, said Jovanović.

In response to these allegations, Miketić said he is one of the movement’s founders and cannot steal something he created himself.

“I am one of the founders of the Ecological Uprising movement and the sole creator of the Facebook page Ecological Uprising. It never occurred to me to monopolise the topic of the fight for an ecologically clean Serbia. Our struggle has never been the property of one man. Our values ​​are not the values ​​of one man, nor was everything we did done by one man. We did it all together,” said Miketić.

He added that the site will continue to follow the activism of all members of “our movement, but also all activists and people who fight for air, water, land and freedom” in Serbia, regardless of which political organisation they belong to.

Danijela Nestorović from the Ecological Uprising stated that all members of that movement are leaving Zajedno.

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Serbia’s green opposition formation collapses |

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