Scholz’s coalition suffers defeat in mid-term state elections

Scholz’s coalition suffers defeat in mid-term state elections |

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In today’s news from the Capitals:


The German three-party government coalition has suffered major losses in two state elections in Bavaria and Hesse, with Chancellor Olaf Scholz’ SPD (S&D) receiving the worst result in both states since the Second World War. Read more.



French left in turmoil after Mélenchon’s party reacts to Hamas attacks. France’s radical left party La France insoumise has been condemned over it’s wording related to Hamas’ attacks on Israel last Friday, which has been unanimously condemned by the entire French political class. Read more.



France, Germany, Austria, UK up police protection of Jewish spaces. France, Germany, Austria and the UK have decided to increase the protection of Jewish schools, institutions and places of worship in response to Hamas’ attack on Israel, with French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin saying the main reason for the increased protection was to prevent any potential spillover and Austria’s politicians taking aim at protesters supporting Hamas. Read more.



Football arrests lead to Dutch-Polish spat. Last week’s arrest of two Legia Warsaw players following a match against AZ Alkmaar has led to a diplomatic row between Poland and the Netherlands, with Polish politicians calling for an investigation and legal action to be taken. Read more.



EPP stands to gain Council seat after Luxembourg election. The centre-right CSV (EPP) is likely to dethrone liberal Prime Minister Xavier Bettel and lead Luxembourg’s next government after the country shifted to the right following Sunday’s national elections. Read more.



Portuguese PM wants action by European socialists on Slovak election winners. Portuguese Prime Minister and Socialist Party (PS) Secretary-General António Costa called for action from the Party of European Socialists (PES) against the Slovak party led by Robert Fico, adding that parties cannot remain in PES if they make deals with the far-right. Read more.



Thousands protest Sánchez’s ‘coup’ pardoning Catalan separatists. Thousands demonstrated in the streets of Barcelona on Sunday to reject what they say is a “coup” being prepared by the Spanish government to pardon those involved in the 2017 secession attempt, while the left-wing Sumar platform announced plans to present a proposal to include the extraordinary pardon measure in the Spanish Constitution on Tuesday. Read more.



Polish petrol giant using military equipment to solve elections-related fuel crisis. State-owned petrol giant Orlen S.A. is using military oil tankers to deliver fuel to stations after reduced prices led to major shortages all over the country, the company announced over the weekend. Read more.



Czechia supports Israel’s right to self-defence, call to cut EU funding for Palestine. Israel has the right to defend itself against Hamas attacks, according to various Czech politicians, with some calling for an end to EU funding for Palestine. Read more.



Christian Democrats could shake up Slovakia’s government formation. The presidency of the Christian Democrats (KDH)  said they were still against a coalition with  Smer leader Robert Fico in a statement on Friday, but cooperation could be on the cards in exchange for restrictions on abortion access, according to several reports. Read more.



Azerbaijan, Turkey suspected of providing cover for Russian interests in EU. A serious hardening of the diplomatic reaction of the EU against Azerbaijan following the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh can be expected at the diplomatic level in order to prevent aggression towards the Armenian sovereign territory, Bulgarian MEP Radan Kanev (EPP, Democratic Bulgaria) said during an exclusive interview for Euractiv Bulgaria. Read more.



Romanian president worried about drugs threatening national security. Romanian President Klaus Iohannis convened the Supreme Council for National Defence on Wednesday to address the serious threat to national security posed by drugs. Read more.



Blaming Serbia is ‘always easier’, Vučić says about Kosovo terrorist attack. It is “always easier” to blame Serbia, President Aleksandar Vučić said of the recent standoff between Kosovo police and heavily armed Serbian men at a Serbian Orthodox monastery near the northern village of Banjska in late September, in an interview with Sky News in which he reiterated Serbia’s non-recognition of Kosovo. Read more.


  • EU: Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council (EPSCO) convenes to discuss social protection and access to housing, impact of new technologies on labour, and more;
  • Commission Vice President Margaritis Schinas participates in trilateral meeting on migration with Prime Ministers of Bulgaria, Greece and Romania in Varna, Bulgaria;
  • Vice President Vĕra Jourová attends G7 Hiroshima Process on Generative Artificial Intelligence meeting in Kyoto, Japan; Holds meetings with UN Under-Secretary General and Tech Envoy Amandeep Gill, Secretary General of the International Telecommunication Union Doreen Bogdan-Martin;
  • Economy Commissioner Paolo Gentiloni hosts President of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) Oliver Röpke;
  • Germany: Franco-German Council of Ministers meets, Chancellor Olaf Scholz and French President Emmanuel Macron attend;


[Edited by Sarantis Michalopoulos, Daniel Eck, Alice Taylor, Sofia Stuart Leeson, Sofia Mandilara]

Read more with EURACTIV

Scholz’s coalition suffers defeat in mid-term state elections |

Football arrests lead to Dutch-Polish spat


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