Salvini wants cabinet with pro-Italian commissioner

Salvini wants cabinet with pro-Italian commissioner |

Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini has bluntly criticised EU Commissioner Paolo Gentiloni and former climate commissioner Frans Timmermans, whom he believes do not serve Italy’s interests, and is hoping to get someone who ‘defends the interest of the entire community’.

Vice-Prime Minister and Transport Minister Matteo Salvini (Lega/ID) harshly criticised first EU Commissioner Paolo Gentiloni and then Timmermans, who is now a candidate for prime minister in the Netherlands, during a conference organised by Il Tempo.

Salvini voiced his criticism when speaking about the upcoming elections to be held in June 2024, which he called decisive for the desired new balance in the European Parliament and the EU Commission.

“I had the impression of having a European commissioner playing with the shirt of another national team. More than suggestions, he was elevating complaints and criticism”, Salvini said, referring to European Economy Commissioner and former Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni.

“It is fundamental to have European commissioners defend the interest of the entire community and the country (…) On the issues of housing, labour, cars, mobility, security, and immigration, the next European legislature will be the one for which we live or survive”, Salvini explained.

The “plastic tax” was imposed on the Italian industry, which was “one of the greenest”, the minister said, hoping that former EU climate commissioner Frans Timmermans would win the Dutch elections so that he could “go and do damage there and not all over Europe”.

However, Tajani attempted impartiality and, commenting on Salvini’s words on Gentiloni, did not criticise the EU commissioner but hinted that he expects him to take a favourable stance on reforming the Stability and Growth Pact.

“I hope Gentiloni works taking into account also that he is the Italian commissioner and that he has a vision that is not that of the rigorist countries regarding the reform of the Stability and Growth Pact”, Tajani said.

Harsh remarks also came from Democratic Party (S&D) leader Elly Schlein, who sided with Gentiloni and took the opportunity to attack the right-wing parties forming the government led by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni (Fratelli d’Italia/Ecr).

“Usual pattern, the right doesn’t find solutions, so it looks for enemies. The government attacking Gentiloni is proof that when faced with the country’s economic and social problems, those governing it have no idea how to deal with them,” said Schlein.

(Federica Pascale |

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