Salvini hailed by fellow Patriots for Europe allies at rally in Italy

Salvini hailed by fellow Patriots for Europe allies at rally in Italy |

Leaders of the far-right Patriots for Europe gathered in the northern Italian town of Pontida for the annual rally of Lega, of which the leader, Matteo Salvini, received praise for combatting irregular migration.

While Jordan Bardella of the French Rassemblement National sent a video message, the rally was attended in person by Viktor Orbán (Fidesz), Geert Wilders (PVV), Marlene Svazek (FPÖ), José Antonio Fuster (Vox), André Ventura (Chega) and members of the Czech ANO party – all of whom focused on the same topic: migration.

Setting the tone of the rally, Patriots for Europe leader Orbán said: “We must strengthen ourselves and continue on the path of unifying the European right. It cannot be stopped. We will be the largest political force in Europe, and we will make Europe great, strong, safe, and free again.”

“If irregular immigration continues in Europe, we will bring migrants from Budapest to Brussels and drop them in front of EU offices. If they want them, they can keep them!” the Hungarian prime minister added.

“Don’t think it’s impossible – we are living proof,” he added, noting that “in Hungary, the number of migrants is zero. We don’t hand our country over to others. We don’t allow illegals in; we defend our borders. Today, Hungary is the safest country in Europe.”

While the country and its capital Budapest are considered among the safest, they are not the safest as the prime minister claims. It is also not true that the number of migrants in Hungary is zero.

“Today is the time to make a new oath in Pontida: all European patriots will stand by their leader, Matteo Salvini. No one will stop us,” Wilders said to a cheering crowd.

Speaking about his recent success in the Dutch elections, Wilders said: “They tried to stop me in the Netherlands, but they failed, and I am stronger than ever. They tried to stop Salvini, but they did not succeed. He will be stronger than ever.”

“Patriotism is a virtue, and Salvini is a virtuous man for fighting against the ‘tsunami of mass illegal immigration that is making us foreigners in our own homes’,” he added.

Vox spokesperson Fuster, speaking in Italian, received loud applause when he said, “European patriots look here, to the fields of Pontida, as a renewed symbol of resistance and hope in the face of fierce enemies.” “We have won, and we will win, but only if we stay united,” Fuster added.

Marlene Svazek from Austria’s far-right party, also speaking in Italian, said, “Is this the Europe we want? A Europe that betrays and abandons its own culture and identity? No! I want to tell the story of a strong Europe, with deep roots and the ability to make clear decisions, like Matteo Salvini did by prioritising his country’s security and defending European values.”

“Salvini is being persecuted because he believes this country must be protected. We all must defend it. We need more Salvinis across Europe,” said Chega’s Ventura.

Speaking about the charges of kidnapping and neglect of duty for blocking the NGO vessel Open Arms from docking in Lampedusa in 2019, for which Salvini faces up to six years in prison, the Lega leader said: “If there is a third-degree conviction (for the Open Arms case), I would go to prison with my head held high.”

“They are prosecuting someone who did his duty, but they cannot stop an entire people, and they cannot stop the Holy Alliance of European peoples, which is being born today in Pontida,” he added.

The case against Salvini has boosted his popularity and won him widespread support from the far right across Europe. Many of his allies—including Orban—at the rally hail him as a hero.

Lega’s rally in Pontida is the first event where far-right leaders of the European Patriots met after it formed in Brussels in July.

(Alessia Peretti |


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