Romanian MEP proposes EU mechanism for Ukrainian grain imports

Romanian MEP proposes EU mechanism for Ukrainian grain imports |

Romanian Social Democratic MEP Victor Negrescu proposes setting up an EU transit mechanism for Ukrainian grain imports, while Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu has asked his agriculture minister, Florin Barbu, to prepare for the European Commission’s forthcoming decision on grain from Ukraine.

Regardless of the Commission’s decision, Prime Minister Ciolacu stressed the importance of establishing a mechanism to compensate Romanian farmers for their losses until the next harvest.

“I know that there will be serious costs, but it is vital to support Romanian farmers. We will consult with the European partners and I hope they will be in solidarity with this initiative”, Ciolacu said.

Speaking at a meeting with his Hungarian counterpart Istvan Nagy on Tuesday, Barbu said that the restrictive measures on imports of agricultural products from Ukraine had positively impacted the Romanian grain market and that the European Commission’s decision should be to prolong these restrictions at least until the end of 2023.

As reported by Reuters, Nagy said in a video message published on Facebook on Wednesday that the country has “agreed with my Romanian, Slovak and Bulgarian colleagues that if there is no decision on the extension of the existing moratorium by Brussels, then we will take national measures individually”.

Negrescu, who is also an honorary adviser to Ciolacu, proposes setting up a European transit mechanism for Ukrainian grain, from producers to final consumers in developing countries.

Through this mechanism, the burden on frontline member states, like Romania, would be reduced.

Negrescu argues that a fully EU-financed mechanism would enhance transport supervision, reducing the likelihood of speculation in agricultural products.

Meanwhile, the Alliance for Agriculture and Cooperation, made up of Romania’s main farmers’ organisations, is demanding that the ban on Ukrainian agricultural imports be extended beyond 15 September, threatening to block the port of Constanta if their demands are not met.

(Cătălina Mihai |

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Romanian MEP proposes EU mechanism for Ukrainian grain imports |

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