French presidential election: Where does Europe fit into all this?

French presidential election: Where does Europe fit into all this? |

France took over the rotating EU Council presidency on 1 January, just a few months before the first round of the French presidential election, where Emmanuel Macron will seek reelection against mostly right-wing challengers.

In this special report, EURACTIV France takes a look at what vision of the EU the main candidates in the race support and how they view the bloc’s future.

  • Le Pen wants EU to be ‘association of free nations’

    News | Elections 12-01-2022

    After the defeat in the 2017 French presidential election, Marine Le Pen’s right-wing Rassemblement National renewed its discourse about Europe, aiming to appeal to a wider electorate, but it is uncertain if this shift will give Le Pen a shot at winning the keys to the Elysée Palace in April


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