Finns show support for increased labour migration

Finns show support for increased labour migration |

Over half of Finns would favour Increasing work-based immigration, a survey published by Ilta-Sanomat on Wednesday, ahead of Friday’s upcoming coalition talks reads.

Labour shortages and a low birth rate in Finland are already impacting the country’s economy and policy, and the Wednesday survey shows that many Finns favour increasing work-based immigration.

Increasing work-based immigration is indeed something that is favoured by 52% of those surveyed, while 28% believe the immigration rate is already well-balanced, according to Wednesday’s survey. Only 13% would like to see fewer people coming in.

The survey’s results could also impact upcoming coalition negotiations, as all parties but the nationalistic Finns Party believe increasing the foreign labour force is necessary.  Among Finns Party supporters, 43% would reduce work-based immigration, while 11% would like to see it increase.

Negotiations to form a majority government will begin on Friday and will be led by the winning party, the National Coalition (NCP), and its Chair, Petteri Orpo. Talks with the runner-up, the Finns Party, may run aground because of differing views over immigration.

The kingmaker could be the Swedish People’s Party – which may surprise the party itself – which gathered 4.3% support and nine MPs in the 200-seat parliament.

The party remains divided over cooperation with the Finns Party, but if the temptation to get a ministerial post is strong enough, a right-wing government may see the light of day.

If not, the odds for a blue and red coalition between the National Coalition Party and the Social Democrats will get a significant boost.

(Pekka Vänttinen |


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