Defence Minister visits Odesa as Danish weapons proved efficient

Defence Minister visits Odesa as Danish weapons proved efficient |

The weapons systems donated by Copenhagen were praised by Ukrainian Defence Minister Oleksii Reznikov during Danish Defence Minister Troels Lund Poulsen’s trip to Odesa on Monday.

On Monday, Poulsen met with Reznikov, who declared during a joint press conference that the Danish donations to Ukraine had made a noticeable difference in the war – particularly the Danish contribution of Harpoon, a land-based coastal defence system.

Poulsen visited Odesa, the southern harbour city that came under heavy Russian fire in the early months of the war, where the Harpoon defence systems helped the city on its own.

“This means that the people of Odessa can live more safely because naval operations are impossible for Russia. This is very, very important for us,” Reznikov told TV 2.

The agreement between Ukraine and Russia to transport grain across the Black Sea without fear of attack has also been enforced using the Harpoon systems, Reznikov added.

“It is very touching. There is no doubt that the donations that Denmark has given are making a significant difference,” Poulsen told TV 2.

The Harpoon is only one of a number of donations Denmark has made to Ukraine, having so far provided military support worth DKK 6.2 billion, and with the newly established Ukraine Fund, the plan is to maintain this level of support.

The list includes 54 armoured vehicles, artillery, 407 Stinger missiles, drones, software to strengthen the cyber defence, soldiers training, and more.

During the meeting with his Ukrainian counterpart, the Danish defence minister said that Denmark would hopefully be able to supply Ukraine with Caesar systems, which are lorries equipped with artillery systems, having already donated 19 of them.

(Charles Szumski |


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