Belgian parliament OKs talks on probe into church sex abuse

Belgian parliament OKs talks on probe into church sex abuse |

Flemish political parties agreed on Wednesday to discuss the establishment of a parliamentary committee of inquiry into sexual abuse in the church, following a request by the Vooruit party (S&D).

Members of parliament’s justice committee will discuss the matter as early as next week, the committee’s chairwoman, Kristien Van Vaerenbergh (N-VA/ECR), said on Wednesday.

“I will put the continuation of the discussion on the agenda of the Justice Committee. It’s important to develop a clear research question together, as the outcome must not disappoint the victims or their loved ones,” she wrote on X.

Backing also comes from the president of the Vooruit political party, Connor Rousseau. “I’m in shock. The whole of Flanders is in shock”, he told the committee.

The proposal to hold talks on the matter received widespread support despite political differences and the imminent Belgian elections. All Flemish political parties expressed their support, the Flemish newspaper Nieuwsblad reported.

In a press release, Greens co-chair Jérémie Vaneeckhout and Green MP Stefaan Van Hecke explain that they are calling for such a mechanism to be implemented to ensure that victims are properly compensated.

“Have undue pressures been exerted? Have mistakes been made? This needs to be clarified in a parliamentary commission of inquiry,” declared Jérémie Vaneeckhout before adding that Groen will also table a proposal for creating a commission of inquiry.

“A parliament is at the service of its citizens. It is, therefore, obvious that we will once again give a place to all these unanswered questions and this collective pain within the Justice Committee,” added Sophie Wilmes (NVA, ECR).

As for Rousseau, he wants to broaden the debate and question the subsidies the church receives.

“Why should Belgians continue to pay the salaries of clerics who tolerate and even conceal criminal behaviour within their organisation?” he asked.

The request follows the broadcast of the VRT documentary “Godvergeten”, which tells the story of several victims of sexual abuse at the hands of the Church. The documentary has caused an unprecedented stir in Flanders since its broadcast.

On 19 September, the Belgian Bishops’ Conference published its report for 2022-2023.

The Belgian Church has 47 communications recorded by contact points for victims of sexual abuse in a pastoral relationship.

(Nina Chabot |

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Belgian parliament OKs talks on probe into church sex abuse |

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