

Ursula home alone: member state requests lie in limbo

Ursula home alone: member state requests lie in limbo |

———————————————————————————————————– Today’s edition is powered by the Party of the European Left Join us at the 8th European Forum of Left, Green and Progressive Forces in Budapest, 8-10 November 20

Ambulance’s drug could have saved Dawn Sturgess’ life

Ambulance's drug could have saved Dawn Sturgess' life |

Ambulance's drug could have saved Dawn Sturgess' life Family HandoutParamedics initially misdiagnosed the mother-of-three's condition Ambulance crews were carrying medication which could have saved Dawn Sturgess' life, an independent inquiry into her death was told. Ms Sturgess, 44, was inadvertently…

Ambulance’s drug could have saved Dawn Sturgess’ life

Ambulance's drug could have saved Dawn Sturgess' life |

Ambulance's drug could have saved Dawn Sturgess' life Family HandoutParamedics initially misdiagnosed the mother-of-three's condition Ambulance crews were carrying medication which could have saved Dawn Sturgess' life, an independent inquiry into her death was told. Ms Sturgess, 44, was inadvertently…