

Montenegro to hold presidential election on 19 March

Montenegro to hold presidential election on 19 March |

Montenegrins will vote for their president in a ballot that will challenge the incumbent veteran Milo Djukanović, who has held various top jobs in the tiny Western Balkan EU candidate country since 1991. The date of the first presidential round…

Half of Spaniards okay with Ukraine losing some land

Half of Spaniards okay with Ukraine losing some land |

The Capitals brings you the latest news from across Europe through on-the-ground reporting by EURACTIV’s media network. You can subscribe to the newsletter here. The European news you deserve to read. Welcome to The Capitals by EURACTIV. In today’s news…

Ukraine war: Bakhmut defenders plea for Western tanks

Ukraine war: Bakhmut defenders plea for Western tanks |

Image source, Joe PhuaImage caption, Ukraine is pleading for Western-made, modern tanks to fight off the RussiansBy Andrew HardingBBC News, Donbas region, eastern Ukraine As the UK and other European nations prepare to send tanks to Ukraine to help it…

Lack of transparency unearthed in Slovak energy sector

Lack of transparency unearthed in Slovak energy sector |

According to data published by Eurostat, Slovakia’s energy consumption showed an increase in December, which was a surprise to many as previous data suggested there was a decrease in energy consumption in the country. Eurostat published a graph of changes…