

Another false dawn on NI protocol

Another false dawn on NI protocol |

The promise of ‘white smoke’ and an agreement on the Northern Ireland protocol on Monday turned out to be another false dawn. After officials had briefed reporters that the latest round of talks between UK Foreign Secretary James Cleverly and…

Finns struggle to make up minds on immigration

Finns struggle to make up minds on immigration |

One in five Finns is unable to make up their minds when it comes to deciding whether the government should ease immigration rules, a recent survey has found. The survey was conducted by Maaseudun Tulevaisuus and published Monday. Among those…

Resisting Russia one artwork at a time

Resisting Russia one artwork at a time |

Here we go again. An art heist rivaling the plunder of the Nazis during World War II is taking place right now in Europe. Since its full-scale invasion of Ukraine began in February 2022, Russia has pillaged over 30

Portuguese teachers strike after failed negotiations

Portuguese teachers strike after failed negotiations |

Eight unions led a teachers’ strike on Monday that will last 18 days after the Education Ministry pushed back negotiation dates on the deadline to withdraw some proposals presented in previous negotiations. A teachers’ strike that will last 18 days…