Polish senator: Russian coal still flowing into Poland

Polish senator: Russian coal still flowing into Poland | INFBusiness.com

Russian coal continues to arrive in Poland despite the latter being one of the first countries to call for a boycott of Russian natural resources, according to recordings released by Senator Krzysztof Brejza.

While Russian coal used to be a crucial part of the country’s energy mix, Poland’s government became a staunch supporter of economic sanctions against the Kremlin, including a total embargo on Russian coal, since Russia’s war on Ukraine began.

“I have a list of several dozen ships that have brought 900,000 tonnes of Russian coal to Poland over the last nine months,” Brejza, a lawmaker from the opposition centrist Civic Platform (PO) party, wrote on X.

Small vessels, not bulk carriers, frequently carry 2,000 to 3,000 tonnes of coal at a time. Imports have been documented as coming from countries other than Russia, “most often from Kazakhstan”.

The crew of the Roseburg, which arrived in Szczecin earlier this week, came from Vyborg. The entire crew, including the captain, was Russian, Brejza stressed. He said he had received confirmation that the ship was carrying coal. “The officer told me he was just a pawn,” he added.

Brejza admitted that he could not find out what happened to the Russian coal.  “Even the customs authorities do not know,” he said.

The senator also demanded an explanation from Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, the ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party leader, Jaroslaw Kaczynski, and the government authorities.

However, the country’s National Tax Office (KAS) dismissed Brejza’s reports.

“Coal from Russia is subject to sanctions and is not imported into Poland. KAS ensures compliance with all sanctions imposed on Russia in connection with the war in Ukraine,” it said in a press release published on X.

This and the issue of illegally sold visas could cast a shadow over the conservative PiS party, with less than two weeks before parliamentary elections scheduled for 15 October.

(Aleksandra Krzysztoszek | Euractiv.pl)

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Polish senator: Russian coal still flowing into Poland | INFBusiness.com

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Source: euractiv.com

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