

How to Disable the Far Right

How to Disable the Far Right |

Over the past year, far-right demonstrations have captured media attention. From several protests against COVID-19-related restrictions to disturbing episodes at national legislatures in Germany and the United States, far-right actors have proven their capability to mobilize on the street. However,…

How Will Global Warming Impact the Middle East?

How Will Global Warming Impact the Middle East? |

Global warming is an established ongoing threat, and the Middle East is warming at twice the global average. This summer, Oman, the UAE, Saudi Arabia and Iraq have experienced temperatures surging above 50˚C. It is quite plausible that temperatures could…

Creating Jobs for a Stable Yemen

Creating Jobs for a Stable Yemen |

The disconnect between donor-based development aid and local needs grows wider as the crisis deepens in Yemen. Focus remains on prioritizing emergency response to crisis zones, such as the devastating environment in Mareb, rather than the development of stable economic…

Biden says Fed nominees coming ‘fairly quickly’

Biden says Fed nominees coming 'fairly quickly' |

President Joe Biden said Tuesday he intends to announce his nominees to the Federal Reserve board “fairly quickly” but declined to say whether he will replace Fed Chair Jerome Powell. Biden told reporters in Glasgow that he’d given a lot…

India Is Building the Road for Growth

India Is Building the Road for Growth |

When experts look back at the early 2000s, they will observe that India embarked on a construction spree to develop its transport infrastructure. The country is emulating what the United States and Europe did in the previous century and what…