Reports of Civilian Casualties as U.S. Raid in Syria Appears to Target Qaeda Leader

Helicopter-borne Special Operations troops carried out the risky predawn commando assault. Read in app By Eric Schmitt Feb. 3, 20
Helicopter-borne Special Operations troops carried out the risky predawn commando assault. Read in app By Eric Schmitt Feb. 3, 20
With top House Democrats skeptical of barring lawmakers from owning individual stocks, a simmering issue has exploded, especially among members facing difficult re-election races. The legislation faces long odds on Capitol Hill, where Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s skepticism makes it unlikely…
Outreach by a top administration official dovetails with a broader shift to the center among Democratic leaders on criminal justice issues. Officers and recruits in New York last month during the funeral of Jason Rivera, a police officer who was…
A new series of children’s books seeks to turn conservative icons like Amy Coney Barrett into bedtime reading material. “Ronald Reagan believed in God, family, and patriotism,” reads a passage from a children’s book for conservative families. Children’s bookstores are…
The Biden administration’s goal is to cut the Russians off at each turn by exposing their plans. But that approach could provoke Russian President Vladimir V. Putin. Vladimir V. Putin of Russia has accused the United States of reviving the…
Despite their pariah status in their party, House Republicans who broke with the former president have raised more than their G.O.P. foes. Representative Fred Upton, a Michigan Republican who has said he may not run for re-election, raised more than…
Little more than two weeks after Election Day, lawyers working with the Trump campaign set out a rationale for creating alternate slates of electors as part of an effort to buy time to overturn the results.
A group of experts found that not all injuries to diplomats and C.I.A. officers could be explained by stress or psychosomatic reactions. The U.S. Embassy in Havana. The illness known as Havana syndrome was named after injuries reported by a…
When the top House Democrat came out against banning ownership of individual stocks, a simmering issue exploded, especially among members eager to distance themselves from their leader. The legislation faces long odds on Capitol Hill, where Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s opposition makes…
The former Army colonel, who worked on the National Security Council, said in a lawsuit that Donald Trump Jr. and others carried out a campaign of intimidation against him. Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman testified at President Donald J. Trump’s impeachment…