

Ireland has escaped Brexit trade blow, say officials

Ireland has escaped Brexit trade blow, say officials |

Ireland has not been as badly hit by Brexit trade disruption as had been initially feared, according to government trade officials in Dublin. Speaking on Wednesday (9 March) to the Oireachtas Committee on Trade, Enterprise and Employment, Anne Coleman Dunne…

Swedish government to spend 2% of GDP on defence

Swedish government to spend 2% of GDP on defence |

Sweden will invest heavily in defence in a historic move that will bring military spending in line with NATO’s goal of 2% of the GDP, according to an announcement by the government on Thursday (10 March). In 2021, the Swedish…

In Moldova, a sense of foreboding

In Moldova, a sense of foreboding |

Ukrainians fleeing into Moldova on 27 February. If a puppet regime is installed in Ukraine, Moldova may be next (Photo: Moldova government) As soon as the war in Ukraine started, concerns were raised over Ukraine’s immediate neighbour, the tiny 2.6…