

Letta for a federal Europe [Promoted content]

Letta for a federal Europe [Promoted content] |

In an essay published by the Italian newspaper Il Foglio Enrico Letta, Secretary of the Democratic Party and former Italian PM, proposes a reform of the Treaties to create seven unions and build a federal Europe. Roberto Castaldi is the…

Central Europeans to boost hydrogen grid

Central Europeans to boost hydrogen grid |

The Capitals brings you the latest news from across Europe, through on-the-ground reporting by EURACTIV’s media network. You can subscribe to the newsletter here. The European news you deserve to read. Welcome to The Capitals by EURACTIV. Today’s edition is…

‘Ever Closer’ Union or ‘Ever Stronger’ Union?

‘Ever Closer’ Union or ‘Ever Stronger’ Union? |

The 1648 Westphalia treaty stipulated that each state could choose its own religion and others would not interfere in its internal matters. This Westphalian approach is a way to live in peace and harmony with distant partners and among ourselves,…