

Germany seizes property of Russian Duma member

Germany seizes property of Russian Duma member |

Germany seized the property of a Russian Duma member and Putin supporter on Monday (20 June) over violations of the EU sanction regime for the first time since the sanctions entered into effect. The prosecution seized two flats and a…

The French Republicans: kingmakers?

The French Republicans: kingmakers? |

As the legislative elections conclude, the right-wing alliance that includes Les Républicains (LR) finished with about 70 seats in the new National Assembly and is positioned as a potential kingmaker in this parliamentary recomposition at work. The party is holding…

EU must not retreat from refugee resettlement

EU must not retreat from refugee resettlement |

Migrants on the Polish-Belarusian border. Worldwide than 1.47 million refugees are awaiting resettlement (Photo: Telegram) This World Refugee Day (20 June) the global picture on displacement is darker than ever before. With a record 100