

UK launches case against EU over Horizon shut-out

UK launches case against EU over Horizon shut-out |

The UK on Wednesday (17 August) launched dispute proceedings against the EU over the long running stalemate that has kept UK universities and researchers shut out of the €95.5 billion Horizon Europe research programme two years after agreeing participation as…

MEP asks Commission to ban extraditions to Russia

MEP asks Commission to ban extraditions to Russia |

Bulgarian MEP Radan Kanev (EPP) called on Wednesday (17 August) for the European Commission to issue a clear recommendation to EU member states to stop all procedures for extradition of Russian citizens from the EU to Russia. The move is…

How scary is threat to Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant?

How scary is threat to Ukraine's Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant? |

Even if the reactors themselves are well protected against damage, the cooling systems rely on exterior pipeline connections. The backup diesel generators, electrical substations and control rooms, moreover, feature only moderate protection (Photo: Al Jazeera screengrab) Russia has launched targeted…