

The Brief — Reflection day

The Brief — Reflection day |

Some countries have a ‘reflection day’ before elections, with political activity and statements forbidden and the sale of alcohol sometimes restricted. I was in Bulgaria for their reflection day on 1 October, just ahead of the fourth general election in…

Turkish women must fight for a place in politics, expert says

Turkish women must fight for a place in politics, expert says |

In an overwhelmingly masculine political climate in Turkey, it is necessary for women to fight the discriminatory attitudes in political discourse, the head of the Turkish Association for Supporting Women Candidates (KA.DER), Nuray Karaoğlu, told EURACTIV Slovakia. KA.DER has worked…

EU overlooks Azeri energy graft risk

EU overlooks Azeri energy graft risk |

The Capitals brings you the latest news from across Europe, through on-the-ground reporting by EURACTIV’s media network. You can subscribe to the newsletter here. The European news you deserve to read. Welcome to The Capitals by EURACTIV. Today’s edition is…