

Removal of Serb blockades in north Kosovo continues

Removal of Serb blockades in north Kosovo continues |

KFOR, the international NATO-led peacekeeping force in Kosovo, carried out several operations to remove the remaining blockades in north Kosovo following weeks of tensions with neighbouring Serbia. The situation in the north of Kosovo has deteriorated in the last month…

Croatia in throes of euro price hikes

Croatia in throes of euro price hikes |

The Capitals brings you the latest news from across Europe, through on-the-ground reporting by EURACTIV’s media network. You can subscribe to the newsletter here. The European news you deserve to read. Welcome to The Capitals by EURACTIV. In today’s news…

Austria strikes migration deal with India

Austria strikes migration deal with India |

Faced with increasing numbers of Indian migrants, Austria has agreed to cooperate more closely on migration with India, which will take back citizens in exchange for legal avenues of labour market integration. Migration continues to top the Austrian political agenda…

Putin is preparing for a long war

Putin is preparing for a long war |

Vladimir Putin has just admitted Russia is in serious trouble. A comparison of his recent New Year address with the speech he delivered just one year earlier reveals a dramatic change in tone, focus, and language that hints at mounting…