

Finland passes new transgender law

Finland passes new transgender law |

Finland has passed a new gender recognition law granting the right to legally change gender through the process of self-declaration, removing the need to go through a medical and psychiatric approval process first. The new law was approved by 113…

Spanish government raises minimum wage

Spanish government raises minimum wage |

The government has agreed to increase the minimum wage by 8% after more than a month of negotiations with trade unions CC.OO and UGT, but without the support of the main employers’ association, CEOE. The left-wing government will increase the…

Local communities fight against gigafactory in Czechia

Local communities fight against gigafactory in Czechia |

The Czech Republic is finalising its application to the tender for the construction of Volkswagen’s gigafactory – a facility that produces batteries for electric vehicles on a large scale –  but the government faces resistance from local communities, including surrounding…

Budapest sees ‘similarities’ with Meloni’s Italy

Budapest sees ‘similarities’ with Meloni’s Italy |

Hungarian President Katalin Novák travelled to Italy to meet with government leaders, where she spoke of the similarities between both countries in their actions against irregular immigration, enlargement to the Western Balkans, and family values. Novák visited Rome to meet the…