

Why Sweden’s Nato accession is still on hold

Why Sweden's Nato accession is still on hold |

It is not at all certain that Stockholm's attempts to accommodate Turkey without compromising the Swedish constitutional order, will sway Ankara to help finalise Sweden's Nato accession (Photo: LoicDivad) Many missed the Kremlin’s overt threats in mid-December 2021 against Sweden…

Romanian beekeepers ask to stop cheap honey imports

Romanian beekeepers ask to stop cheap honey imports |

Romania has a surplus of honey but struggles to sell it due to unfair competition from cheaper imported honey, especially from Ukraine, China, and Moldova, Romania’s beekeeper association, which also pointed to the country’s strong production just a few years…

New EU Gulf chief under question in Rome

New EU Gulf chief under question in Rome |

EU top diplomat Josep Borrell nominating Italian former foreign minister and Deputy Prime Minister Luigi Di Maio to be the bloc’s special envoy to the Persian Gulf has been met with protest from some political parties and doubt among several…