

Finnish government negotiations turn sour

Finnish government negotiations turn sour |

The second week of negotiations to form Finland’s new government got off to a bad start, amid volatile social media spats between members of the four parties in the running for the coalition. Coalition negotiations are ongoing between the liberal-conservative…

The Brief — May marches

The Brief — May marches |

Dictators are afraid of people. It would be very worrying if democracies were too. For someone unfamiliar with Russia, the 9 May parade looks like the perfect moment to experience a popular celebration. This is, of course, very naïve. Access…

British Navy to defend Stockholm archipelago

British Navy to defend Stockholm archipelago |

Sweden’s Chief of Naval Staff praised the British marines who have been involved in the Aurora 23 military exercises designed to ready the defence of the Stockholm archipelago in case of a crisis. The Aurora 23 military exercises, which have…