UK businesses given financial aid to ditch fossil fuels for cleaner alternatives

Businesses across the UK received a share of over £80
Businesses across the UK received a share of over £80
The new Economic Affairs Minister and nationalistic Finns Party MP Vilhelm Junnila can continue in the government after surviving a no-confidence vote by a relatively narrow margin of 95 in favour and 86 against, which is a poor start for…
No doubt they will take swings at him anyway. But it may be more difficult to land punches given that plenty of them voted for the bipartisan infrastructure and semiconductor manufacturing bills. Give this articleShare full article In a speech…
Italian opposition parties are up in arms and have called the coalition government’s decision to postpone the much-awaited ratification of the European Stability Mechanism (ESM), the Eurozone’s bailout fund, embarrassing. Azione and Italia Viva – two Italian parties affiliated with…
Romanian lawmakers passed the special pension reform requested by the European Commission on Wednesday, though several last-minute changes diluted the law. The special pension reform is an essential milestone for Romania’s third payment request under the national recovery plan. While…
Christine Lagarde, the president of the European Central Bank, has reportedly turned down the post of French prime minister, meaning the incumbent Élisabeth Borne, whose popularity is waiting, particularly after enforcing an unpopular pension reform, is likely to keep her…
School meals will be free for primary school children from poor-income households from September, and for all primary school children from 1 September 20
German MEP Michael Gahler and Austrian MEP Thomas Waltz criticised the EU’s envoy for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, Miroslav Lajčák, during Wednesday’s meeting of the European Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee (AFET), citing a failure in progress and the bloc’s one-sided approach…
The Capitals brings you the latest news from across Europe, through on-the-ground reporting by EURACTIV’s media network. You can subscribe to the newsletter here. The European news you deserve to read. Welcome to The Capitals by EURACTIV. Today’s edition is…
Portuguese Prime Minister António Costa stressed the importance of concluding the trade agreement between the EU and Mercosur as it is a priority to deepen Portuguese-Brazilian relations, he said during a discussion with Brazilian Vice President Geraldo Alckmin on Wednesday.…