

Borissov waives immunity in money laundering case

Borissov waives immunity in money laundering case |

Bulgaria’s largest GERB party leader Boyko Borissov, the parliamentary backbone of the country’s new pro-EU government, is waiving his parliamentary immunity to continue the money laundering investigation against him – known as ‘Barcelonagate’ –, he announced on Wednesday. The investigation…

Belgium condemned for misconduct in managing asylum crisis

Belgium condemned for misconduct in managing asylum crisis |

The Belgian State and the Federal Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (Fedasil) were condemned by the Brussels French-speaking Court of First Instance for their ordinary misconduct in the management of the asylum crisis, Belga reported on Wednesday. The State…

MEPs test dividing lines in upcoming telecom law

MEPs test dividing lines in upcoming telecom law |

The main contention points in the European Parliament’s debate about an EU broadband law are how to deal with tower companies and the rules for permits, while divisions over the senders-pay principle loom in the background. The Gigabit Infrastructure Act…