What’s China’s gamble to back Moscow means for EU
Chinese dragon, or dove of peace? By siding with tin-pot dictators, failed states and other unprincipled entities, China reveals more of itself than it perhaps intended (Photo: Jean Beller) Just…
Chinese dragon, or dove of peace? By siding with tin-pot dictators, failed states and other unprincipled entities, China reveals more of itself than it perhaps intended (Photo: Jean Beller) Just…
After five elections in just two years, Bulgarian voters�
The key Wales Nato summit in 20
The European Parliament building in Brussels (Photo: EUobserver) For a long time, various political groups have consistently expressed their concerns about what is going on in the European Parliament’s petitions…
A petrol pump. The reasoning behind the EU commission's push to leave the controversial Energy Charter Treaty is that it clashes with the EU�
An elderly lady, Bakhmut, Donetsk, February 2023 (Photo: Yevhenii Zavharodnil/Image bank of war in Ukraine) Ukrainian society increasingly recognises the importance of women’s pivotal role in the full-scale invasion of…
The European Union's push to regulate has faced intense corporate lobbying attempts at every stage of the policy-making process (Photo: Emiliano Vittoriosi) The launch of ChatGPT in November last year…
The end of this EU policy direction is known: finally turning Greece into the prison of Europe, instead of demanding equal relocation to all member states (Photo: SOS Mediterranee) Europe…
While plans to 'externalise' border controls to Niger, Senegal, Morocco and the Balkans are pushed ahead, parliamentarians and civil society remain largely in the dark about their scale and scope…
The war has caused the number of subscriptions and ad sales to plummet and affected the safety costs related to reporting, leaving many Ukrainian outlets dependent on international support and…