Czech banks hit by Russian cyber attacks

Czech banks hit by Russian cyber attacks |

Several Czech banks and the Prague Stock Exchange were targeted by hackers on Wednesday and Thursday, with strikes aimed at banks’ websites or internet banking services, and the stock exchange’s website.

Czech banks Komerční banka, Česká spořitelna, ČSOB, Air Bank and Fio banka all reported problems on Wednesday, Czech News Agency reported. A spokesperson for the Czech Banking Association said the banks had been the victim of cyber attacks.

While the banks’ clients were inconvenienced by the temporary outage of their banking services, the finances of the banks’ clients themselves are not at risk, clients, and bank representatives have said.

Česká spořitelna, for instance, was agreed to by so-called DDoS attacks: attacks which overwhelm servers and cause them to crash without damaging the website’s systems or harming data, one of the bank’s representatives told news site

Similar attacks were aimed at other Czech banks, with Raiffeisenbank and Moneta Money Bank both announcing outages of their websites, internet and mobile banking on Thursday, media reported.

As for The Prague Stock Exchange website, it continued to face issues on Thursday after Wednesday’s cyberattack.

The attacks have already been claimed by hackers from the Russian hacktivist group NoName057(16) on Thursday, demanding these institutions stop supporting Ukraine, the Czech News Agency reported.

(Ondřej Plevák |

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Czech banks hit by Russian cyber attacks |

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