French ambassador to Niger remains in place despite mounting pressure

French ambassador to Niger remains in place despite mounting pressure |

France continues to refuse to recognise the authority of the putschists in Niger, who have now instructed police to expel the French ambassador to the country, a letter revealed on Thursday reads.

The letter, sent by the Foreign Ministry designated by the Niger putschists to the French Ministry, states that “the question of the approval of the French ambassador is irrevocable and any comment on this subject is irrelevant”.

But France continues to refuse to follow up on the expulsion order, even though once the 48-hour deadline is given for the French ambassador to leave, “the person concerned no longer enjoys the privileges and immunities attached to his status”, explains the memo revealed on Thursday.

“The diplomatic cards and visas of the person concerned and members of his family have been cancelled”,  the ministry designated by the putschists also said, adding that “the police services have been instructed to proceed with his expulsion”.

Contacted by EURACTIV France, a diplomatic source said that France had “taken note of the putschists’ request” but that they “do not have the authority” to make it. “The ambassador’s approval [comes] solely from the legitimately elected authorities of Niger”, the source added.

When asked about the ambassador’s security, the same source explained that France was “constantly assessing the security and operating conditions of [its] embassy”, without wishing to comment further.

Colonel Pierre Gaudillière, spokesman for the French general staff, quoted by AFP, said on Thursday that “French forces are ready to respond to any increase in tension that would undermine French military and diplomatic bases in Niger”.

While the French ambassador remains in Niger for now, on Monday, French President Emmanuel Macron praised “the commitment of our ambassador, who remains despite the pressure, despite everything and despite all the statements made by illegitimate authorities”.

“It is necessary to have a French diplomatic presence in Niger”, government spokesman Olivier Véran explained on France Info on Thursday.

(Davide Basso |

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French ambassador to Niger remains in place despite mounting pressure |

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