Bulgarian anti-vaxxers rally behind Putin

Bulgarian anti-vaxxers rally behind Putin | INFBusiness.com

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In today’s news from the Capitals:


Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine at the end of February, Bulgaria’s anti-vax movement has shifted its focus. Instead of fixating on COVID-19 vaccines and related conspiracy theories, they have become staunch supporters of President Vladimir Putin and Moscow and are nurturing anti-EU sentiments.

But with Russia struggling to make any significant advances in Ukraine, it is becoming tougher to keep followers convinced. Read more.



German economists pitch Russian energy levy as alternative to sanctions. Germany should introduce a levy on Russian energy imports as an alternative to sanctions on energy as it would curb Russia’s profits while generating revenue for the West, experts have said. Read more.



Macron urges Putin to declare ‘truce’ in Mariupol. French President Emmanuel Macron has demanded Russian counterpart President Vladimir Putin declare a truce in Mariupol to facilitate an emergency humanitarian operation amid a “catastrophic” situation, the Elysée has said. Read more.



Belgium expels 21 Russian diplomats, Netherlands another 17. Several EU countries including Belgium, the Netherlands and Ireland on Tuesday expelled dozens of Russian diplomats, some for alleged spying, in what the Irish prime minister said was a coordinated move. Read more.



Dutch finally present EU recovery fund plans. The Dutch government presented its list of measures for the country’s recovery and resilience plan to parliament’s lower house on Monday – making it the last EU member state to do so. Read more.



Austrian government corruption inquiry targets green justice ministry. As Austria grapples with the corruption scandals that came about during the conservative ÖVP led government, the justice ministry is the latest to be probed on Wednesday. Read more.



Ireland expels four Russian diplomats. Ireland has expelled four senior Russian diplomats as “their activities have not been in accordance with international standards of diplomatic behaviour”, Foreign Minister Simon Coveney said in a statement on Tuesday. Read more.



Zelenskyy asks Denmark to help rebuild post-war Ukraine. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has called on the Danish Folketing to help rebuild Ukraine after Russia’s invasion of his country is over. Read more.



Trust in Finnish economy nosedives among consumers, businesses. Pessimism about the Finnish economy is spreading among consumers and entrepreneurs, a new survey shows. Read more.



Amnesty International slams Sweden in new report. Sweden’s handling of the pandemic and the Sami minority, as well as the increase in gun-related violence on its territory, were strongly criticised in a new report published by Amnesty International on Tuesday. Read more.



Russia expels Baltic diplomats in tit-for-tat move. Russia has expelled diplomats from several Baltic states, including four from Lithuania, three from Latvia and three from Estonia. Read more.



Italy offers Ukrainians 12 months residence permit. A 12-month residence permit will be provided to Ukrainians, offering them access to health care, the labour market, education and some welfare benefits. Read more.



Slovak PM urges EU to send seeds to Ukrainian farmers. Ukrainian farmers are now entering the sowing period and the European Union must help them with seeds to avoid a global food shortage, Prime Minister Eduard Heger (OĽaNO) stressed on Tuesday after meeting with a Ukrainian delegation. Read more.



Polish government to stop importing coal from Russia. Poland will not wait for the rest of Europe to give up Russian coal, rather it will do so on its own despite calls for experts to enforce a joint EU embargo. Read more.



EU provides vaccines to Ukrainian child refugees in Czechia, Slovakia and Moldova. The European Commission will provide 70,000 vaccines to the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Moldova to vaccinate the children of Ukrainian refugees, the EU Health Commissioner Stella Kyriakides announced. Read more.



Civil society turns to EU executive over Hungarian state-sponsored Russian propaganda. The Hungarian Civil Liberties Union (TASZ) and Political Capital (PC) think tank will turn to the European Commission because while the bloc has banned Russian propaganda from its territory, Hungarian public media is disseminating such content unhindered, the two organisations said on Tuesday, Telex reported. Read more.



Slovenia and Croatia plan closer nuclear, gas ties. Slovenia and Croatia appear on track to forge a closer energy partnership, with Croatia interested in joining the construction of a new unit at Slovenia’s only nuclear power plant and Slovenia keen on getting natural gas through the LNG terminal on Krk Island. Read more.



Romania promises continued support for Ukrainian citizens. Romania will continue to take good care of every Ukrainian citizen arriving in the country, President Klaus Iohannis said Tuesday during a talk with his Ukraine counterpart Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Read more.



PM Plenković announces government reshuffle. A government reshuffle was announced by Prime Minister Andrej Plenković, who says he has the support of his HDZ party and all partners in the ruling coalition. Read more.



Minorities, journalists and NGOs under attack in Serbia, says Amnesty. In 2021, discrimination against women, Roma and other minorities as well as LGBT community members and vulnerable categories was high, while attacks by the authorities and pro-government media on journalists and NGOs were reported, Amnesty International said in its latest annual report on the state of human rights around the world. Read more.

Convicted war criminals campaigning in Serbian election raises concern. Serbian war criminals are campaigning for the upcoming presidential, parliamentary, and Belgrade local elections, and some are running, according to a human rights NGO. Read more.



BiH grateful for Italian investment in defence. BiH Defence Minister Sifet Podžić thanked his Italian counterpart, Lorenzo Guerini for donating more than €1.5 million for the project “Perspective” intended for the care of discharged soldiers of the BiH Army, as well as the training of officers of the BiH Army in Italy. Read more.



Petition to rename street passing through Russian embassy. A petition in North Macedonia is calling on Skopje to rename the street that the Embassy of the Russian Federation is on from ‘Pirinska’ to ‘Ukrainian Street’. 

“This would be a symbolic act of support for the Ukrainian people, who are defending their independence in the war started by Russia,” the Ukrainian embassy said in a statement. The campaign website, contains links to petitions for renaming streets with Russian embassies and consulates in 57 cities in 38 countries around the world, including North Macedonia. (Željko Trkanjec | EURACTIV.hr)



Territorial demarcation between Montenegro and Kosovo completed. The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Montenegro, Đorđe Radulović received the newly appointed Ambassador of Kosovo, Ariana Zherka Hoxha, and discussed regional cooperation. “As the smallest country in the region, Montenegro is very committed to good regional cooperation, stability and inviolability of mutually determined borders,” Radulović said.

Radulović pointed to “the signing of the Agreement on the border between the two countries in June 2018, which successfully completed the issue of demarcation between Montenegro and Kosovo.” There are parts in the political community in Montenegro, close to Russia and Serbia, strongly opposed to the recognition of Kosovo and the border agreement. (Željko Trkanjec | EURACTIV.hr)



Norwegian PM disappointed over organisation of Serbian elections. Kosovo not allowing the Serbian elections to be organised similarly to previous elections is disappointing, said Norwegian Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre after meeting his Kosovo counterpart Albin Kurti on Monday.

“This can only be resolved through the EU-led dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia. Existing agreements must be implemented and both parties must refrain from actions that diminish trust between them”, said Støre, adding that stability in the Western Balkans cannot be taken for granted. Norway recognised Kosovo as an independent state on 28 March 2008, a month after Serbia declared independence. Some countries still refuse to recognise Kosovo as an independent state. 

Serbia demands that polling booths be set up in Kosovo to allow voting in the Serbian elections, like what has happened in previous elections. Kurti has refused, saying it infringes Kosovo’s sovereignty and is unconstitutional. He has said there is no issue with voting taking place in representative offices or via post, but Serbia has rejected this. (Željko Trkanjec | EURACTIV.hr)



Government embezzlement scandal leads to arrest warrants. Twelve arrest warrants in relation to a serious corruption scandal involving government concessions for three waste incinerators have been issued by Albania’s Special Prosecution against Corruption (SPAK), set up with EU and US backing. Read more.


  • EU: European Commission to present circular economy package / European Council President Charles Michel receives Chairman of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina Šefik Džaferović / Ukraine Working Group of the European Committee of the Regions (CoR) to be addressed by Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko and Lviv Mayor Andriy Sadovyi.
  • Germany: Defence Minister Christine Lambrecht travels to New York to have meetings at the United Nations.
  • Luxembourg: ECJ decision in the case of EU measures against ex-Ukraine President Viktor Yanukovych and his son.
  • Norway: Ukraine’s President Zelensky addresses Norwegian parliament by video-link / UK’s Defence Minister Ben Wallace visits region near the border with Russia.
  • Spain: Netherlands’ Prime Minister Mark Rutte visits Madrid / Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez speaks to Parliament on Western Sahara.
  • Croatia: Parliamentary Committee on the Constitution meets to discuss two referendum initiatives, supported by the opposition Bridge party, against the mandatory use of COVID passes and the powers of the COVID-19 crisis management team with regard to COVID protocol
  • Bulgaria: Enlargement Commissioner Olivér Várhelyi visits.
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina: Manuel Sarrazin, German Special Envoy for the Western Balkans, visits BiH.


[Edited by Sarantis Michalopoulos, Alexandra Brzozowski, Daniel Eck, Benjamin Fox, Zoran Radosavljevic, Alice Taylor, Sofia Stuart Leeson]

Source: euractiv.com

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