Tweets of the Week: Bossy Macron, Green Taxonomy, Deported Djokovic

Tweets of the Week: Bossy Macron, Green Taxonomy, Deported Djokovic |


New year, new EU presidency!

Regardons vers l’avenir.

— Emmanuel Macron (@EmmanuelMacron) January 1, 2022


Cue the whole world debating how to translate “emmerder”

When the whole world is debating how to translate "emmerder" ??

— Anne-Sylvaine Chassany (@ChassNews) January 5, 2022


Rosie Birchard helpfully shared a selection of options from her Oxford FR-EN dictionary while imagining her old French professors rubbing their hands in glee as they discuss the various translations, maybe relishing the rare treat of swearing in class!

Thinking of my old French professors rubbing their hands in glee as they discuss the various translations of “emmerder” today, maybe relishing the rare treat of swearing in class! Here’s a selection of options from my old Oxford FR-EN dictionary

— Rosie Birchard (@RosieBirchard) January 5, 2022

Berlaymonster reckons the existing translations don’t do it justice and proposes “to perturd/cause a perturdance to”.

Looks like the Anglophones need a new word for "emmerder" as the existing translations don't do it justice.

I propose "to perturd/cause a perturdance to".

— Berlaymonster (@Berlaymonster) January 5, 2022


But DG Meme thinks the debates on how to translate #emmerder show that multilingualism works pretty well…

The debates on how to translate #emmerder show that multilingualism works pretty well…

— DG MEME ?? (@meme_ec) January 5, 2022


Only day 5 of the French EU Council Presidency and we’re all speaking French! snarked Michiel van Hulten.

Only day 5 of the French EU Council Presidency and we're all speaking French!

— Michiel van Hulten (@mvanhulten) January 5, 2022


Less pleasingly for some on Planet Brussels, a 60-page draft #taxonomy text landed in inboxes of member states minutes before 2022 struck. Nothing says Happy New Year like a “consultation” process for amending a delegated regulation as regards economic activities in certain energy sectors!




David Carretta wants New Year’s Eve renamed Taxonomy day.

Forget the New Year’s Eve. Today is Taxonomy day.

— David Carretta (@davcarretta) December 31, 2021


I can’t work out whether Kira Taylor is delighted or horrified at kick starting 2022 with the leaked secondary delegated act of the taxonomy


What a way to start 2022. Woke up, looked at my phone and found the leaked secondary delegated act of the taxonomy

— Kira Taylor (@KiraTaylor15) January 1, 2022


But Le Chou gets straight to the point with its usual brand of sarcasm: EU Commission Considers Granting Whale Oil A Green Label Under Its Taxonomy

EU Commission Considers Granting Whale Oil A Green Label Under Its Taxonomy

— Le Chou (@LeChouNews) January 1, 2022

Finally this week, World No. 1 tennis player No vax Djokovic – geddit? – was refused entry to Australia following a national outpouring of rage over his vaccine mandate exemption.

BREAKING: Australia has cancelled the visa of Novak Djokovic and he will be sent home.

— SPORTbible (@sportbible) January 5, 2022


Have I Got News For You reports that experts are torn over Djokovic getting deported from Australia, as on the one hand he may well have a valid reason, but on the other, it’s very, very funny.

Experts torn over Novak Djokovic getting deported from Australia, as on the one hand he may well have a valid reason, but on the other, it’s very, very funny.

— Have I Got News For You (@haveigotnews) January 6, 2022


Ever quick to see an opportunity, Ryanair checked if he needed a flight home.

Unlucky @DjokerNole Flight home?

— Ryanair (@Ryanair) January 5, 2022


Others speculated that he would be forced to live in Melbourne airport like Tom Hanks in The Terminal

— l’aspide (@aspide_l) January 5, 2022




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