Italy is deliberately undermining democracy, report says

Italy is deliberately undermining democracy, report says |

ROME – Italy, with its “extreme intolerance of media criticism” and judicial reforms that have “profoundly undermined” the rule of law, is a shining example of Europe's deepening “democratic recession,” according to a report by the civil liberties group Liberties.

The report names Italy as one of five EU “dismantlers” – along with Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania and Slovakia – that are “deliberately undermining the rule of law in virtually every aspect”. It warns that “without decisive action, the EU risks further democratic erosion”.

In Italy, researchers pointed to draft proposals from Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni's government that would give the justice ministry “unlimited powers” over prosecutors, strengthening political control over the judiciary, and suggested the government avoid any form of interference in magistrates' decisions or attacks on judges.

The report also highlights “unprecedented levels of interference” in state media, including the cancellation of an anti-fascist speech by writer Antonio Scurati and disciplinary action against talk show host Serena Bortone, who was scheduled to host the speech.

According to the report, the government should also take steps to prevent excessive media concentration and fully decriminalise libel in line with its international human rights obligations.

Fratelli d'Italia, Meloni's party, responded sharply, taking aim at the NGO behind the report. In a post on X, the party wrote: “Italy is allegedly among the countries undermining democracy in Europe. The source? The Civil Liberties Alliance for Europe, an NGO funded by George Soros. No further explanation needed.”

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