Romanian government creates state-run rail company for defence needs

Romanian government creates state-run rail company for defence needs |

The Romanian government approved the creation of a state-run railway company to meet the country’s defence needs on Wednesday, bringing the country in line with the EU’s new military mobility initiative.

The new company will be legally obliged to handle Romania’s strategic transport, ensuring that the state has a reliable option in situations where private transport companies may refuse or be unable to provide certain rail services, especially in times of crisis.

The “extraordinary events” of 2020-2023 highlighted the Romanian state’s need for a reliable rail freight operator capable of transporting troops, equipment, machinery, and armaments in the event of military mobilisation either for Romania or for its strategic partners.

The company will also facilitate the delivery of humanitarian aid to conflict zones, supporting international cooperation efforts.

Beyond military needs, the company will play a critical role in transporting essential goods such as grain, raw materials, and fuel, helping to prevent potential food or energy crises. In addition to its strategic role, the state-owned company will also operate in the rail freight market, complementing existing services to meet wider market needs.

Military Mobility, introduced by the European Commission for the 2021-2027 programming period, is also part of the Regulation on the Connecting Europe Facility 2021-2027.

According to the Commission, military mobility is vital for the security and defence of Europe, as the armies of EU member states should be able to respond quickly and on a large scale to crises at the EU’s external borders and beyond.

Romania has committed to improving military mobility through its participation in the Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO) and reaffirmed this commitment at the NATO Summit in June 2018.

(Catalina Mihai |


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