Dinar row remains unresolved as Belgrade-Pristina talks continue in Brussels

Dinar row remains unresolved as Belgrade-Pristina talks continue in Brussels | INFBusiness.com

Serbs in northern Kosovo reported being unable to withdraw dinars on Tuesday as queues formed outside ATMs, while negotiations between Belgrade and Pristina continued in Brussels over Kosovo’s decision to uphold its constitution and reject the use of any foreign currency other than the euro.

After the meeting in Brussels, the Director of the Serbian Office for Kosovo, Petar Petković, said that a solution to Pristina’s unilateral actions should be sought at the political level, not at the expert level.

“We are in Brussels to find a solution and remove the controversial parts of the so-called CBK regulation so that the Postal Savings Bank can continue to operate in the KIM area,” Petković said.

“It is essential to find a sustainable solution that does not jeopardise the survival of the Serbian people in Kosovo and allows for further dialogue,” Petković stressed.

The CBK published new regulations, reinforcing the country’s constitution, and insisting that legal payments are made only in euro in Kosovo as of 1 February. This impacts some ethnic Serbs who insist on using the Serbian dinar and do not recognise Kosovo’s independence or that of its institutions.

(Jelena Nikolić | Euractiv.rs)

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Dinar row remains unresolved as Belgrade-Pristina talks continue in Brussels | INFBusiness.com

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