Republicans Take the House, Ushering in a Divided Congress
After more than a week of counting, the Republican Party gained the 218 House seats needed to claim the majority, ushering in an era of divided government. Send any friend…
After more than a week of counting, the Republican Party gained the 218 House seats needed to claim the majority, ushering in an era of divided government. Send any friend…
Ms. Bass, a longtime congresswoman and state lawmaker, defeated Rick Caruso, a billionaire developer, to lead a city where frustration levels are high. Send any friend a story As a…
A thin margin, ideological differences and competing pressures could make managing the “people’s House” virtually impossible. But the G.O.P. majority, however slim, will still be a challenge for President Biden.…
Almost nine months since his tanks first rolled across the border, it is now clear that Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine is an old-fashioned colonial war complete with illegal annexations…
If Trump wins back the White House, we may be even more confused over just how many presidents there have been. Send any friend a story As a subscriber, you…
Early signs suggest he may struggle to win over Republican Party leaders for his third presidential bid, after a string of disappointments, but Donald Trump’s staunchest voters are another matter.…
Donald Trump uttered the first inaccurate claim about two minutes in and a few minutes later, ticked off at least four hyperbolic claims about his own accomplishments.
Seven in 10
The 2024 apparatus is lean, and some operatives are keeping their distance. “It’s always a little bit chaotic,” a 2016 campaign aide said. Send any friend a story As a…
The church still believes marriage is meant only for heterosexual couples, but it has softened its political stance in recent years. Send any friend a story As a subscriber, you…